Wednesday, June 1, 2011

O, Woefully Neglected Tome..

Yes, I admit I haven't been writing.

I know this is bad. If I DO want to be a good writer, then it takes practice, right?

Re-reading a lot of my older things that I have since forgotten the basic plot of has me thinking.. Should I toss those (as in not finish them..) or should I re-write and expand?

I have a few ideas in the works, including a big cannon for my multiverse. >.< Whoever gave me that idea really needs to ssh when I'm plotting! I've got.. Four? original stories that I have plotted and one fanfic that wont. leave. me. alone!!

So, my problem is.. Which to start?

I'm planning on outlining them ALL, and one of them will be EPIC, what with so many characters and side plots and twists that make my head hurt to try to explain..

What to do.. What to do?