Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Re-Visiting old haunts..

Been trying to get my life in order for the thirtieth time it seems. As such, I'm going around all my old pages and am downloading all journals, writing, graphics, and all that whatnot, onto a private server so I can find it a little bit easier.

That said, I'm going through my files that I've recently recovered and am planning on trying to outline all the novel-ish stories to shelve. Sound crazy? Perhaps it is..

My plans are to have every story planned and ready to go, so I can just spend time writing the story the outline contains. I'm also trying to re-work some characters and create new ones so I can actually figure out what the "big bad" of my series wants. Perhaps it's time to have a chat with a minion? lol

Camp NaNo is coming up in June and again in August. I'm not participating in ScriptFrenzy, even though I want to. Got a promotion and getting the story ironed out is killer!

Hmm.. That reminds me: I need to work on my drawing skills, and find my style for the codename.Nightmare 'verse?

I'm also trying to not look at the dare and adoption threads, so that my ideas are 100% my own. Way too crazy to do so, but I want it to be as close to original as I can get.

Hmm.. Also need to find a small journal to carry around for rabid plot bunnies. Too many things to think on!!

So, the plan for NaNo is thus:
  • Outline The Nightingale
  • Outline  Flames at Twilight
  • Outline The Locket
Perhaps this won't be as bad as I thought, right?

ALSO, to do (outline) before 'roo:
  • The White Gate
  • Fifteen Steps
  • Character Bio's
  • Character Sketches
  • Maps?
  • Place Sketches
  • Timeline for big 'verse
Too much to do! lol

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

O, Woefully Neglected Tome..

Yes, I admit I haven't been writing.

I know this is bad. If I DO want to be a good writer, then it takes practice, right?

Re-reading a lot of my older things that I have since forgotten the basic plot of has me thinking.. Should I toss those (as in not finish them..) or should I re-write and expand?

I have a few ideas in the works, including a big cannon for my multiverse. >.< Whoever gave me that idea really needs to ssh when I'm plotting! I've got.. Four? original stories that I have plotted and one fanfic that wont. leave. me. alone!!

So, my problem is.. Which to start?

I'm planning on outlining them ALL, and one of them will be EPIC, what with so many characters and side plots and twists that make my head hurt to try to explain..

What to do.. What to do?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Stolen Things:

An anklet made of leather string. It sits snugly around any person's ankle because it is fastened by tying the strings. Hanging from it are tiny stone carvings of different animals. There is a very worn, chipped unicorn, a wolf, a dog, a fish and a tiger on it, with room for several more to be added.

Ending Line:
In his eyes, she could see only the wind.

@Behind the
Enid - Main character, means "Soul" or "Life"
Mira Sitara - Secondary character, means "Sea" and "Star"
はるき - Main male character. Pronounced "Haruki," and the kanji for his name, 晴輝, means "Spring Radiance"
Pranay - Brother to Mira. Name means "Leader, Guidence, and Love"
Aura - Secondary character, "Distinctive atmosphere or illumination"

When is it OK..

to switch stories?

I admit, I haven't been focusing on my story this time around. Many, many excuses for this, but none more than I am a lazy, lazy girl.

So, even though it is two weeks to the end of NaNo, and even though I don't have much in the way of plot, I am changing my story to something completely different.

Stars, help me!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Word war 1 is currently getting ready to commence.

Now, if I could get the desk cleaned off and ready to write..

Need to brew my tea and gather my inspiration.

Deep breath..